A Remnant of the ‘Eta Aquarid’ Meteor Shower? Rare Meteorite Falls in Whakamarama New Zealand


A Whakamarama man has geologists excited after a meteorite soared into his garage moving buckets and narrowly missing his head. The man was in his garage talking with his neighbour last on May 6, 2013 when a meteorite soared past his head. He decided to show the stone to a geologist about one week after. The chief geologist reported his fingings on May 18, 2013.

It is likely the meteorite came from Halley’s Comet – a comet that returns to Earth about every 75 years.
He says there was a good chance a meteor shower called ‘Eta Aquarid’ hit Earth during May 5-9. The meteorite which hit the Whakamarama home happened on May 6. The last time Halley’s Comet was here was in 1986.

Meteorite fall in Whakamarama new zealand nz may 2013

Do not get scared: The dangers of meteorite hitting the earth depend on their size. Within the next years, the most dangerous is the ‘Apophis’ asteroid which is expected to come close to us in 2029 and then again in 2036.

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