Mysterious Animal Die-offs in the USA, Canada, Europe and China: Birds, Dolphin, Cygnets, Fish and Oysters


Dozen birds Fall mysteriously from the Sky in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada – CBC

Animal experts are trying to figure out what may have killed dozens of black birds that fell from the sky in Winnipeg’s North End on Wednesday. Conservation officers have picked up more than 50 dead birds near the intersection of King Street and Dufferin Avenue, while the Winnipeg Humane Society took in 11 birds that were still alive.


Jellyfish attack in Lianyungang in Jiangsu Province China – HISZ

Nearly 20 people were stung by jellyfish yesterday at Lianyungang in Jiangsu Province – including seven who were treated and released by a hospital, and one who had extensive stings and was admitted for further treatment, Yangtze Evening News reported today. A beach official said jellyfish appeared to have been dismembered for an unknown reason in the sea and tentacles washed up at the beach.


Mystery of the dead dolphins: Scientists suspect killer virus – Daily Mail

Mystery of the dead dolphins: Scientists suspect killer virus on US East Coast, what kills dolphin on us east coast?

More than 120 dead dolphins discovered since June from New Jersey to Virginia. Federal scientists suspect morbillivirus – a virus similar to measles. More than 750 dolphins died of the same disease in 1987. Scientists warn the public not to approach if they see stranded animals because they could be infectious.


Chemical responsible for mass fish die-off at Par Beachin Cornwall Britain – This is Cornwall

Mystery Fish Die-Off in Karachi Pakistan – The News

Recent torrential rains have not only caused misery for the citizens of Karachi but they have also not spared marine life. Hundreds of thousands of dead fish have washed up on the shores of Karachi possibly poisoned by the polluted rainwater flowing through the Lyari River.


Mysterious Kiskii Fish Kill in Finland – Yle

A similar event occured back in 2004. At this time fish were killed by a parasite infection. Is this the same this time?


Cygnets found dead in London as a result of the outbreak of botulism – Romford Recorder

cygnets were discovered dead today as a result of the outbreak of botulism, heathrow botulism kills cygnet

Hundreds of birds have died at Harrow Lodge Park after the hot weather caused a potent outbreak of botulism in the lake.


And here some more fish kill news around the world:

Mysterious Deaths of more than 80 dolphins on the US East Coast in July alone – Delaware Online

dolphins of Delaware coast

Edna Stetzar, a Delaware fisheries biologist, said that the dead animals have nothing in common. ‘They’re young. They’re old. They’re skinny. They are robust,’ she said. ‘It’s indiscriminate.’


Ongoing widespread fish kill occurring at Hongfeng Lake in Guizhou  in China – SHUICHAN

This fish kill could be related to a factory sewage pipes, which occasionally spills yellow sewage into the lake.


Large numbers of fish dying in pond at the Guangdong Tong Gate in Qingyuan in China – SHUICHAN

21 dolphins mysteriously wash ashore dead since July 9 at beaches in New Jersey- Daily Record

Three dolphins wash ashore dead in a week at beaches near Norfolk – Wavy

Ocean View sees third dead dolphin


Fish dying in High Park’s Grenadier Pond in Toronto (Canada)


‘Dead zone’ endangering the seafood business in the Gulf of Mexico – WTSP

Mystery mass die-off at fish farm in Qingpu District China – English Eastday

Mysterious fish die-off in the Lower Owens River California – LA Times

Strange fish kill in the River Brembo between Bonate Sotto and Filago (Italy) – Eco die Bergamo

Massive fish kill in Rotterdam The Netherlands – Telegraaf

Mysterious Oysters die off in France – Telegraph

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