Apocalyptic Fish Die-off at Maninjau Lake in Indonesia – March 2014


Residents around Maninjau Lake are experiencing a massive fish mass die-off. Scientitsts believe it is due to a sudden change in weather conditions!

Apocalyptic Fish Die-off at Maninjau Lake in Indonesia - March 2014, Apocalyptic Fish Die-off at Maninjau Lake in Indonesia, Apocalyptic Fish Die-off at Maninjau Lake in Indonesia - March 2014, The lake is covered by dead fishes mass die-off indonesia march 2014, massive fish mass die-off in Indonesia, Lake maninjau fish mass die-off march 2014, maninjau lake fish mass die-off photo march 2014, march 2014 fish mass die-off, mass die-off news march 2014, indonesia fish mass die-off march 2014
The lake is covered by dead fishes

According to locals, this is not the first time. Back in 2009, a storm liberated poisonous sulphur and fish-feeding sediments from the lake bottom, which resulted in around 7,000 tons of dead fish.

dead fish maninjau lake march 2014, Dead fish at the surface of the Maninjau lake, Idonesia in March 2014. Photo: PAF, fish mass die-off photo march 2014
Dead fish at the surface of the Maninjau lake, Indonesia in March 2014. Photo: PAF

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  1. I remember a big fishkill in lake Laninjau in the year 1997. But there were not as many karamba’s (net cages) in the lake as today !
    It may well be a hundred times worse now !

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