Amazing Art discovery: ANDY WARHOL Digital Work found on old Amiga computer

The computer manufacturer Commodore had made the Pop Art artist Andy Warhol an Amiga computer available in the 80s to show the performance of the graphic card. And Andy Warhol actively used his Amiga: Over 20 digital works from Warhol were discovered on the computer 27 years after his death.

Andy Warhol's Venus with three eyes discovered on an Amiga disk. Photo: Andy Warhol museum, new andy warhol art, amiga andy warhol, andy warhol amiga disk, amazing art discovery: andy warhol art found on amiga disk, amazing art discovery: andy warhol amiga discovery, andy warhol new art treasure, art treasure: andy warhol amiga experiments, Andy Warhol venus with three eyes, Andy Warhol's Amiga Experiments
Andy Warhol’s Venus with three eyes discovered on an Amiga disk. Photo: Andy Warhol museum

The new images were discovered on old Amiga disks in the fundus of the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh by a group of computer experts and artists.

New andy warhol self-portrait found on amiga disks. Photo: Andy Warhol Museum, new andy warhol self-portrait found on amiga disks, new art work from andy warhol discovered on amiga disk, Andy Warhol's Venus with three eyes discovered on an Amiga disk. Photo: Andy Warhol museum, new andy warhol art, amiga andy warhol, andy warhol amiga disk, amazing art discovery: andy warhol art found on amiga disk, amazing art discovery: andy warhol amiga discovery, andy warhol new art treasure, art treasure: andy warhol amiga experiments, Andy Warhol venus with three eyes, Andy Warhol's Amiga Experiments
New andy warhol self-portrait found on amiga disks. Photo: Andy Warhol Museum

This art treasure is now visible and depict, among others, Marilyn Monroe, the famous soup can, self-portraits and a Venus with three eyes. Overall, it should be the Fund to 23 images.

new Andy Warhol art found on amiga disks, andy warhol and amiga, work of andy warhol discovered on amiga disks, Cambell's can by Andy Warhol found on Amiga disks. Photo: Andy Warhol Museum
Cambell’s can by Andy Warhol found on Amiga disks. Photo: Andy Warhol Museum

During the search, the experts were recorded on a camera. The documentary called “Trapped” will start May 10, 2014 in Pittsburgh and will be available from 12 May, 2014 online here.

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