Alexandra, in northern Johannesburg, is being infested by giant rats. They are so numerous that even owls will not effectively reduce their number… According to a pest control expert, introducing owls is a waste of time as the birds would only concentrate on a small area, such as a school playground.
In any cases, the City of Johannesburg is introducing barn owls – natural predators of the rodents – in a R2.5 million plan to fight rat infestation. Some boxes have been placed at four schools in Alexandra, each containing four owls. A family of owls could eat about 2000 rats per year. Over 300 owls had been released into various parts of Gauteng since 1998. So make your calculation… The rat infestation is huge!
Last month, a one-month-old baby in Alexandra had to undergo reconstructive surgery after rats ate three of her fingers and part of her nose. Another baby died in Diepsloot after being bitten by a rat.
So, POLITICIANS, what’s the plan now? Poisoning? Traps? rat snipers? I think this rat plague is so huge that biological and cultural control factors are nonsense.
The use of chemicals is prerequisite! Let people in Alexandra sleep without being worried that rats will bite their children.
I have a solution for these crazy rats. I will kill them all with my selective toxin that shall not kill cats or dogs or people. Call 0737822006 if you want me to show you or do demonstration in your area. I do not use chemicals but i use natutal hetbs. Ngiyawathakatha afe nya. NgiseMnambithi ngiyinyanga yesintu. Uyakholwa awukholwa kepha kunjalo.