Within 4 days, 60,000 antelopes have died in Kazakhstan.
And the worst is that nobody knows why.

In May 2015, nearly half of all the highly endangered saiga antelopes died offs, a critically endangered antelope that roams the steppe of Kazakhstan, died off mysteriously.
But within four days, the entire herd — 60,000 saiga — had died. By early June, the mass dying was over.
Is has been scientifically shown that the mass kill involved bacteria. But how these normally harmless microbes could take such a toll is still a mystery.
The extent of this die-off, and the speed it had, by spreading throughout the whole calving herd and killing all the animals, this has not been observed for any other species. It’s really unheard of.
The die-off started during the calving period.
Read more about this mystery mass die-off
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