Contrails? Or these planes are spaying chemtrails?


Are these contrails?

Or chemtrails?

The first two pictures are actually gifs. They were captured over the Netherlands. The first one features a boeing C17 with ‘contrail’ at cruise altitude.

chemtrail contrail gif, chemtrail, contrail, chemtrail gif, contrail gif,Are these contrails? Or chemtrails? Eerie gif shows smoke trails coming out of a C-17 Globemaster III engines over the Netherlands
Are these chemtrails or contrails? Eerie gif shows smoke trails coming out of a C-17 Globemaster III engines over the Netherlands. Gif by Ralf Vandebergh.

The second plane is a A380. Do you see the difference in ‘chemtrail’?

chemtrail contrail gif, chemtrail, contrail, chemtrail gif, contrail gif,Are these contrails? Or chemtrails? Eerie gif shows smoke trails coming out of a C-17 Globemaster III engines over the Netherlands
These A380 contrail/chemtrails look completely different. But still strange… Gif by Ralf Vandebergh.

The third picture was taken in the UK. The ‘smoke trails’ appears to mainly come from the tail of the plane instead of the engines.

chemtrail contrail gif, chemtrail, contrail, chemtrail gif, contrail gif,Are these contrails? Or chemtrails? Eerie gif shows smoke trails coming out of a C-17 Globemaster III engines over the Netherlands
Now these trails seem to come from the tail and not from the engines… WTF? Photo by Rodney Hale over Houghton Conquest, Bedfordshire, UK

Do you remember this strange rainbow ‘contrail‘?

Wake vortex? or new spaying technique? Tell me what you think please.

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