Are these planes entering a new dimension? No, It’s just wake vortex

The wake vortex phenomenon is created by air turbulence behind an aircraft and looks just amazing. Wow!

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Apocalyptic picture of wake vortex: Is this plane about to explode? Photo: Euro Control

If I was once observing this phenomenon in a plane I was sitting in (I am taking one tomorrow!), I would start to pray! No the motors of these airplanes aren’t exploding. These smoke-like, weird elongated swirls forming behind aircraft are so-called wake vortices and are particularly visible at high humidity.

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Wave vortex forms behind planes mostly during take-off and landing. Photo: Euro Control

Wake turbulence forms behind an aircraft as it passes through the air, creating wingtip vortices (longlived; shown in the video) and jetwash (shortlived; expelled gases from jet engine).

These horizontal tornadoes occur when a wing is generating lift. Air from below the wing (high pressure) is drawn around the wingtip into the region above the wing (low pressure), causing a vortex to trail from each wingtip.

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Wake vortex can create eerie almost demoniac forms. Photo: Euro Control

As shown in the video, wake turbulences occur primarly during take off and landing.

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