Thousands of cuttlefish mysteriously washed up on Santa Maria off Coronel, Chile on January 12, 2016.
The cause of the mass die-off remains unexplained.
The animals appeared in the South Island Harbor.
Scientists have started insvestigating the possible causes for this mysterious and apocalyptical mass die-off.
First images of this mass kill were widespread by Mayor Leonidas Romeros on Twitter.
Toxicological tests are now underway.
Masiva varazón de jibia se registra a esta hora en la Isla Santa María, informan habitantes de la zona. @sernapesca
— Alejandro Navarro (@senadornavarro) January 12, 2016
While it may be natural, this cuttlefish mass die-off may also result from water contamination.
Here a long list of animal mass die-offs reported around the world.
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