Something strange was discovered TWO photos of Crazy Horse Monument in South Dakota. Look carefully and you will also see what appears to be a hexagon craft in the sky high above the monument! And it may be a mysterious sun simulator…
A day after a video proposing an explanation for this weird sky phenomenon appeares on the web:
So is this sky anomaly really a sun simulator? Here some more pictures of the still unexplained object over South Dakota.

The Youtuber “MrMBB333” is specialized on strange weather events.
[…] Crazy Horse… Internet of Things Smart Meters How much energy are we using So they can monitor everything you […]
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Looks like a fake by shooting through plate glass and a reflection…. ..just sawing, easily done without cgi…
It is mimicking the south pole of Saturn, owned by the same, lame loser worshipping, hellbound skinwalkers who are lasering Cali and Portugal. It aint no demon UFO but equally as evil.
Revelation is a script. Was added to the Bible many, many years later….it even warns of putting your hand out to fema.
[…] Something strange was discovered TWO photos of Crazy Horse Monument in South Dakota. Look carefully and you will also see what appears to be a hexagon craft in the sky high above the monument! And it may be a mysterious sun simulator… Read More… […]