Look at these pictures captured Monday evening, around 8:45pm near Marble Beach Marine in Spirit Lake, Iowa. These 3 living tornadoes are actually swarms of bugs that are currently starting to invade Iowa. Very impressive!

According to the following news video, there is currrently a midge plague on Clear Lake, Iowa.
Are the millions of insects forming the above ‘living’ tornadoes also midges? or are they mayflies? We currently don’t know… But just imagine riding your bike into that! Close your mouth and your eyes!
[…] Giant swarm of bugs invades Marble Beach Marine, Iowa like a devastating tornado […]
Condor embraces man who saved him when it was baby
Today there are 2 explosions around Las Vegas according to USGS. One explosion with M2.0 happened at coordinates 35.952°N 115.204°W, just out side of a huge quarry (=Reptilian secret underground base) and US Army Reserve Center. Another explosion happened near huge solar facilities and a huge quarry in Garnet, NV. It was M1.6 with coordinates 36.342°N 114.889°W.
This happened on our Earth!!! 18-21 May 2018 Extreme Weather
On this video, you will see a huge rock slide on Jade Mine. I told you that all the mines and quarries are part of the reptilian secret underground bases, and they are going to be demolished completely by Galactic Federation of Light.
Government is expecting that Southern California is going to have a huge earthquake and even sink under the sea. They have been excising drills in case Southern California is devastated by a huge earthquake, and lots of people migrate toward Arizona.
More info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZEO0D6HfLQ
In 2011, FEMA had purchased tens of millions of underwater body bags. They know we are going to have a huge earth change including a huge earthquake, and huge area is going to be under water.
I have received a message from Galactic Federation of Light “Do not afraid of death. Death is a part of the spiritual evolution, and nobody can avoid it on 3rd dimension. Death is just like removing your old clothes, and moving into new dimension. Your body dies, but your spirit is eternal. Your body is not you, just like your car is not you, but you ride it and take care of it. You do not intend to stay on 3rd dimension forever. Your contract on the Earth is temporary until you see the change on the Earth.”
A guy on this video explains so many sonic boom! or some other loud noise heard from underground in many places recently. In The Colony in Texas, people heard “a train passing” kind of loud noise from underground around expensive neighborhood area. I have to explain you the name “The Colony” means “The Colony of Reptilians”. They colonize some area, and they make exclusive area just for reptilians and their hybrids. Of course, they have the secret underground base just under their luxurious houses. The loud noise they heard was the noise accompany with demolition of their secret underground base by Galactic Federation of Light. This year is going to be the big cleanse and change on the Earth. We might have to vacate the Earth until the change of the Earth finish and become 5th dimension. People and reptilians who cannot raise their vibration up to 5th dimension have to go somewhere else including some kind of quarantined prison planets.
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