A strange green light flashing across the sky has baffled local residents and led one expert to say he had seen nothing like it before.
The video was shot in West Australia during an intense thunderstorm. As local resident Leigh Stevens looked on, a strange green light – accompanied by an equally unexplained sound – flashed bright across the sky.
“WTF is that,” Stephens wrote. “Taken last night during electrical storm from our back yard.“
And experts agreed that the phenomenon was like nothing they had seen before, according to the West Australian, which reported on the strange video.
“It’s not something we’ve ever seen before,” Neil Bennett from the Bureau of Meteorology said, according to the newspaper. “We don’t think it (the green light) is part of the thunderstorm, we think it’s a reflection of something on the ground, rather than coming from the clouds.“

Local residents commented on the video, insisting that they had also seen the phenomenon.
“Remember that night I saw something exactly like this, but wasn’t raining and no thunder the sky kept flashing,” wrote one. “Constantly for about a good hour or so.”
Under the video, some speculated that it was the reflection of some sort of device on the ground, shining into the sky. That helped explain the noise that can be heard, they said, as well as the fact the light seems sometimes to distort into recognisable shapes.
Others claimed it was an effect of the weather, with the light emerging as energy from the same electrical storm that can be seen flashing through the rest of the video.
Yet more, of course, suggested that it might be proof of aliens. But there is no suggestion that the light was extraterrestrial in origin.
What do you think it was?
Water drop that hit the lens
Looks like plasma discharge…kinda like the Aurora Borealis.The green color is very similar
I hear the sound again at :37. Something similar at 2:07. Something shining from the ground, illuminating the clouds. The sounds could be someone moving something, a spotlight perhaps?
Yeah, a light or laser shining from the ground in either a prank or scientific study of sorts.
Bonsoir; Notre planète est en cours d’être affecté de plus en plus par les noyaux stellaires du système planète x qui ont envahis notre système solaire depuis des milliers d’années, ces objets ont d’énormes nuages de débris autour d’eux. Et ces débris pénètre dans l’atmosphère et crée des nuages luminescents et absorbe l’énergie de la terre puisant de la chaleur du noyau de la terre.Ces objets qui ont envahi le soleil sont en train de le faire mourir,il est déjà devenu sombre car il perd son n’énergie.Les pouvoirs en place sont au courant depuis 1995 que le soleil est en déclin rapide. Ces débris de poussière pénètre de plus en plus dans l’atmosphère de la terre faisant baisser la température de notre atmosphère alors
que plusieurs rapports ont été fait concernant l’arrivée d’une mini période glaciaire au cours des dernières semaine Il est probable que de plus en plus de régions sur la terre soit affecté par une forte et soudaine chute de la température. La terre étant de plus en plus impactée par ces nuages de débris. Il existe cependant des preuves que le soleil, la lune, et les planètes sont simulées par un système de simulation avec des éléments dans le ciel à l’altitude des nuages et autres qui sont en orbite.
To me, it looks like some sort of laser projection from the ground.
Eruption solaire? Nous en avons de grosse ces temps si