A heavy rain and hail storm affected the municipalities of the metropolitan area of Guadalajara and Tlaquepaque, around 1am on June 30, 3019.
The streets of Tlaquepaque were buried in more than 1 meters of hail stones. Unheard of for the region!
The following pictures and videos and just insane!
*World Weather* Enormous (!!) hail accumulations in Guadalajara, Mexico today, June 30th! Report: Red Climatica Mundial pic.twitter.com/IRuMDD96S6
— severe-weather.EU (@severeweatherEU) June 30, 2019
And here a river of hail during the terrifying storm:
River of hail during the severe hailstorm in Guadalajara, Mexico today, June 30th! Report: Boltein Del Tiempo pic.twitter.com/3gFEvrO04h
— severe-weather.EU (@severeweatherEU) June 30, 2019
Now look at this hail accumulation… It is almost unbelievable:
Enormous hail accumulations in the severe hailstorm in Guadalajara, Mexico today, June 30th! Report: Abel Barragán pic.twitter.com/qTgKrnQGTS
— severe-weather.EU (@severeweatherEU) June 30, 2019
If this is not enough for your to call it unprecedented, here you go:
*World Weather* Enormous (!!) hail accumulations in Guadalajara, Mexico today, June 30th! Report: Boletin Meteo pic.twitter.com/9xNWYWfwwi
— severe-weather.EU (@severeweatherEU) June 30, 2019
As if the streets and parks were covered in snow:
In some streets the accumulation of hail caused trucks and carss to be stranded, along with reports of fallen trees.
These images from Guadalajara, Mexico, are just amazing and somehow terrifying! Another anomalous hailstorm in Mexico’s Jalisco!
[Vallarta Daily News, Mazatlan Post, Vallarta Daily, News Beezers]
As John Brennan calls it….Stratosphere Arial Injections ( SAIs ).
= CHEMTRAILS by another name. Yes he gave a speech recently about how SAIs are going to stop “ global warming” by reflecting the suns rays way from the earth.
Of course we’ve had several big volcanos go off recently sending tones of ash into the atmosphere.
This has exactly the same affect of stopping the suns rays getting through.
So seeing as the volcanos are doing what John Brennan said the chemtrails were for then when they’re still being injected into our sky’s what are they for exactly?
Hmm….it was obviously a transparent lie from The start to try & make the unpalatable palitable. But now that’s been exposed what’s the real purpose?