Terrifying! Strong hailstorm destroys nose of flying plane in Paraguay (pictures and videos)

Hailstorm destroys plane in Paraguay
Hailstorm destroys plane in Paraguay. Picture via Twitter video

Passengers on a flight to Paraguay have faced a terrifying journey after a storm caused massive damage to their plane.

The LATAM A320 flight was on its way to the capital Asunción from Santiago in Chile when bad weather forced the pilots to perform a go around and divert to Foz de Iguacu Airport in Brazil (where the world’s largest waterfall system was overflowing 2 weeks ago).

After waiting on the ground for more than three hours, the aircraft took off again for Asunción and flew into the hailstorm.

Unverified video from on board the plane shows passengers screaming and being thrown around.

On landing, the extent of the damage was revealed with the nose cone, which protects the radar, completely destroyed and the cockpit window smashed.

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An engine was also reportedly damaged.

None of the 48 passengers or crew were hurt in the incident.

In a statement to aeronauticapy.com, LATAM Airlines Paraguay confirmed that “Flight LA1325 (Santiago de Chile-Asunción) experienced severe weather conditions during its flight path“.

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The aircraft made an emergency landing in Asunción, a procedure that was carried out without problems at 23:09 (local time). Both passengers and crew are in good condition.

An investigation has been launched. There’s a type of turbulence that can’t be seen by pilots, or easily picked up by radar or satellite. It could become more prevalent. [Stuff]

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  1. This was near the world’s largest waterfalls that were “overflowing” and it’s because of global weather manipulation and warfare by means of SRM and satellite based and ground based (HAARP) megawatt microwave transmitters that they beam at the nanoparticles of metals they spray into the atmosphere. They (the shadow gov’t) are stalling cold fronts in that area for some reason and creating unnaturally severe weather. I’m 60 years old and I have never seen hail accumulating on the ground by the foot! When is the world going to wake up to the fact that they are destroying this earth? And the bigger question is WHY won’t they wake up?

    • I am with you! I think people just don’t want to fight for their ideas and their rights… It’s like… OK they are telling me this, so I will believe it, even if it crap!

    • stuff happens and mother nature does what she wants not what puny self important human waterbags want. Mother nature makes things like geysers and volcanoes and niagra falls and is mighty mighty in her sometimes terrible majesty and no, she doesn’t care, and swatting airplanes from the sky is a cheap parlor trick for her. This flight got lucky.

  2. I haven’t flown in decades, nor will I ever again. I quit flying after a brief stint as a bartender. We had many flight personnel and they drink — hardcore. Probably wake up, and blow a 2.0. No thanks, rather drive and take my chances. These pilots in the story probably aren’t like that. They did a good job landing that beast.

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