Just over 30 miles in diameter, the Richat Structure is a circular unexplained geological formation located in the midst of the Sahara Desert.
Well stare into the eye of the Sahara!

At close to 50 kilometers in diameter, the Sahara Desert‘s sprawling Richat Structure is one of the most mysterious geological features on Earth.

The Richat Structure is situated in Oudane, Mauritania, is a huge circular formation (50 km in diameter – 30 miles), that resembles an eye when looked upon from space. Why the structure is nearly circular, however, remains a mystery.

Originally thought to be a crater, this volcanic dome is most likely a product of erosion, an ancient geological artifact in the middle of featureless Maur Adrar desert, in Africa’s Western Sahara.

The earliest space missions used it as a landmark, the adventurous 4×4 enthusiasts consider it to be their playground, and scientists are still debating its origin. For those “Mad Max” kinds of tourists, there is also a hotel smack in the middle of the Richat Structure.

Here an overview of the different rocks found in the mysterious structure:

Once thought to be an impact crater, the Richat Structure‘s flat middle and lack of shock-altered rock indicates otherwise. The possibility that the Richat Structure was formed by a volcanic eruption also seems improbable because of the lack of a dome of igneous or volcanic rock. Rather, the layered sedimentary rock of the Richat structure is now thought by many to have been caused by uplifted rock sculpted by erosion.
For adventurous travelers, I think the Richat structure is worth a visit.
Where can I find more information about this hotel in the center of the richat structure?
Is there a way to communicate with the hotel organization?
Terrible journalism.
From the article:
“the Richat Structure is a circular unexplained geological formation”
“Why the structure is nearly circular, however, remains a mystery.”
“this volcanic dome is most likely a product of erosion”
From Wiki:
“In volcanology, a lava dome is a circular mound-shaped protrusion resulting from the slow extrusion of viscous lava from a volcano.”
So, no mystery whatsoever.
For an actual scientific breakdown of the structure, I recommend – https://geologyscience.com/gallery/eye-of-the-sahara-or-richat-structure/
Sooo maybe the same phenom doing the crop circles occasionally likes to wallow in the sand and desert??
[…] Namibia’s highest mountain Brandberg Massif: In the north west of the Namib desert is Namibia’s highest mountain – the Brandberg, located in an area called Damaraland. The lushness is in contrast to other Namib desert photos. Tell me if you also find a similarity with the Richat Structure. […]
Ancient civilisation nuclear explosion
[…] Stare into the eye of the Sahara! Or watch amazing aerial photos of deserts. […]
I believe an alien spaceship struck an impact so hard to imprint in the ground. Not many place in nature can form a perfect shape like that, has to been some kind of compression rings of some kind.