There are so many mosquitoes right now in Ust-Kamchatsk, Kamchatka, Russia, that they build columns in the sky, ressembling damaging tornadoes.
The insect twisters move slowly, smoothly from far away… But when you are driving through the mosquito tornadoes, it’s more like a horror movie.
A resident of Kamchatka posted a video showing hordes of mosquitoes building columns in the sky over the village of Ust-Kamchatsk in Kamchatska, Russia.
And he added: “See how they move smoothly. It’s like aliens, like in a horror movie. Exactly.
The video is indeed really impressive and shows thousands of mosquitoes uniting in giant ‘insect tornadoes’ and spinning across the sky, shocking skywatchers like in a horror movie.
Although recurrent, the strange phenomenon is stronger than usual. All windows, houses and cars were covered with mosquitoes. And some residents didn’t move from their homes for at least three days.
Moreover, the invasion normaly lasts 2-3 days. But this year, the phenomenon has lasted for more than 10 days. It’s a real invasion! A plague!
But, these are actually male mosquitoes. The good news is that they don’t bite. The bad news is that they are millions and kind of annoying for driving your bike or car. Imagine those insects flying during almost two weeks into your nose, ears and mouth. A nightmare!
And the tornado itself turns out to be a love tango where males fight for a female located in the middle of the swarm.
The summer is warm and humid in Kamchatka. The mosquito tornadoes will only disappear end of August… before reappearing next year. So watch out for insect tornadoes around!
More insect plagues on Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle. Now if you are looking for supplements to increase your healthy lifestyle and sexlife please visit Natural Health Source. [volgograd, ekabu]