In a year that already brought murder hornets and giant lizards, get ready for the Joro spider


Another threat from the East is invading America! And this time it’s not a virus but a giant spider!

Giant Joro spider invades the US
Giant Joro spider invades the US. Picture: Wikipedia / CC BY-SA 3.0

Kathy Ramatowski is the kind of person who doesn’t scare easily, but some things can push a person to their limits.

The first one was on the deck in the back. I was like, ‘What is that?’

“That” was a spider outside her Dacula home. Not just any spider, but one that is more than four inches long.

In a year that already brought us murder hornets and giant lizards, more people are now seeing the Joro spider.

University of Georgia agriculture extension agent James Murphy says the Joro spider is traditionally found in China, Japan and Korea but it’s also apparently in north Georgia.

If you fully stretch out those legs, maybe up to around five inches in particularly large individuals,” Murphy said.

Murphy says spiders may have stowed away in crates that came through Atlanta’s airport at some point.

The good news is they are not deadly. The bad news is a four-inch spider has large fangs and if they bite, it can hurt.

The Joro spider also builds webs that can be several feet high and several feet wide and very strong.

Giant Joro spider invades the US
The Joro spider and its giant webs. Picture: Wikipedia / CC BY-SA 3.0

They probably could take something the size of hummingbird if it happened to run in there and get caught,” Murphy said.

Murphy adds that if you knock down the web the spider will likely just build another.

He believes the species has possibly been in north Georgia for five years and is here to stay.

More about spider invasions on WSBTV, Strange Sounds and Steve QuayleNow if you are looking for supplements to increase your healthy lifestyle please visit Natural Health Source.

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1 Comment

  1. That’s why having a few roosters and hens in the yard is a good thing.

    My ducks, roosters and hens kill spiders, horn worms, scorpions, and other nasty creatures. We get those brown wood spiders. They are about half the size of a tarantula. We get tarantula too, and hawk wasps.

    Tarantula make my dog bark. She seems mesmerized when they amble across the yard. I capture them, and release them outside away from the yard. I don’t mind the tarantulas. You can handle them without fear.

    The wood spiders will bite. So, it’s better to have roosters, ducks, and hens. They really go after the spiders and scorpions.

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