The M4.4 category eruption at 1:11 p.m. UTC produced a shortwave radio blackout over the south Atlantic.

It also sent a significant CME into space, but the storm cloud will not hit Earth as the source of the flare is an unnumbered sunspot just behind the sun’s eastern limb.

A few days ago, another sun spot erupted while facing Earth.
How are X-ray solar flares classified?
A solar flare is an explosion on the Sun. Such an eruption occurs when energy stored magnetic fields is suddenly released.
The resulting burst of radiation hurled into space goes from radio waves to x-rays and gamma-rays.
Solar flares are classified into 3 categories according to their x-ray brightness in the wavelength range 1 to 8 Angstroms:
1. X-class flares are major events that can trigger planet-wide radio blackouts and long-lasting radiation storms. Peak intensity: I > = 10-4
2. M-class flares are medium-sized events that can cause brief radio blackouts that affect Earth’s polar regions. Peak intensity: 10-5 < = I < 10-4
3. C-class flares are small events with few noticeable consequences here on Earth. Peak intensity: 10-6 < = I < 10-5

Each of these categories is divided into nine subdivisions (C1 to C9, M1 to M9, and X1 to X9).
So we had a M4.4 today. It’s not the most powerful ever, but the strongest in the past 3 years; so pretty strong! We were lucky this time! Let’s wait until the sunspot faces Earth… It may erupt another time! More solar flare news on Space Weather, Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle.
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Monday November 30 2020, 00:59:52 UTC 88 km SSE of Ugashik, Alaska 2.8 28.0 USGS Feed Detail
Monday November 30 2020, 00:57:33 UTC 36 km E of Nelson Lagoon, Alaska 4.3 141.9 USGS Feed Detail
Monday November 30 2020, 00:50:10 UTC 22 km W of Anderson, Alaska 1.4 13.5 USGS Feed Detail
Monday November 30 2020, 00:43:47 UTC 8km WNW of Cobb, CA 1.5 0.3 USGS Feed Detail
Monday November 30 2020, 00:37:05 UTC 170 km NNW of Neiafu, Tonga 4.9 10.0 USGS Feed Detail
Monday November 30 2020, 00:36:43 UTC 2km SW of Cobb, CA 0.9 0.6 USGS Feed Detail
Monday November 30 2020, 00:36:43 UTC 2km SW of Cobb, CA 0.9 0.6 USGS Feed Detail
Monday November 30 2020, 00:35:36 UTC 1 km SSE of Guánica, Puerto Rico 2.3 14.0 USGS Feed
Sunday November 29 2020, 17:12:57 UTC 42 km ENE of Eltham, New Zealand 4.6 155.4 USGS Feed Detail
Sunday November 29 2020, 16:59:42 UTC 2km ENE of Colton, CA 0.9 14.7 USGS Feed Detail
Sunday November 29 2020, 16:52:18 UTC Southwest Indian Ridge 5.0 10.0 USGS Feed Detail
Sunday November 29 2020, 16:46:08 UTC 1km SW of Redwood Valley, CA 1.5 5.9 USGS Feed Detail
Sunday November 29 2020, 16:40:44 UTC 34 km E of Humahuaca, Argentina 5.8 10.0 USGS Feed Detail
Sunday November 29 2020, 16:12:44 UTC 2 km SSW of Guánica, Puerto Rico 2.0 12.0 USGS Feed Detail
Sunday November 29 2020, 16:04:51 UTC 7km W of Cobb, CA 0.6 1.8 USGS Feed Detail
Sunday November 29 2020, 16:00:35 UTC 4km SE of Loma Linda, CA 0.8 15.5 USGS Feed Detail
Sunday November 29 2020, 15:57:39 UTC 182 km WSW of Adak, Alaska 4.9 35.0 USGS Feed Detail
God Help US ALL!
So quake sof 7 8 are in progress with this full moon and Partial Eclipse and solar flare. Also the French riots are headlines as well. Will French riots are coming to allglobe. Argentina is riots, Coloumbia, European Union and middle east , and since in North America is kind of silent or demonstrations are little bit will it be increased.
Führender Wissenschaftler ermordet: Kriegsprovokation der USA und Israels gegen den Iran
Bill Van Auken
30. November 2020
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Der brutale Mord an dem führenden iranischen Kernphysiker Mohsen Fachridaseh am Freitag ist eine deutliche Eskalation der Versuche der USA und Israels, in den verbleibenden weniger als zwei Monaten von Donald Trumps Präsidentschaft einen Krieg mit dem Iran zu provozieren.
Am Freitagmorgen lauerte eine Gruppe von Attentätern in Absard, einem östlichen Vorort von Teheran, dem iranischen Wissenschaftler auf. Sie beschossen sein Auto zuerst mit automatischen Waffen, danach explodierte direkt neben dem Auto ein Kleinlaster voller Sprengstoff, der unter Holz versteckt war.
Im Internet erschienen Bilder des Tatorts, auf dem das beschädigte Fahrzeug, Glasscherben, Holzstücke, Autoteile und eine Blutlache zu sehen sind.
Mohsen Int Journalist BC
No AM/FM radio problems, got to listen to my team lose at the end.
17° Tonight. My bottle fed propane heater looks like a solar flare.
Over on youtube I just came across a channel, dutchsinse, that is really cool. This guy has a 3d world map concerning earthquakes and says that solar flares influences earthquakes. He provides updates on a regular basis. Check it out.
yes, I like Dutchsinse too. Thank you for the reminder 😉