A good magic trick presents what we know to be a deception and makes us want to believe it’s real.
A good sculpture of balanced rocks does just the opposite: We know it’s real, but want to believe it’s a trick. Discover the amazing art of stone stacking!

Rock balancing is an art in which rocks are balanced on top of one another in various positions. No glue, magnets, or other artificial supports such as adhesives, wires, supports, or rings are used.
Blending elements of performance art, sculpture, meditation, and parlor trick, the rock balancer arranges natural stones found on location, using only shape, weight, and friction to achieve a unique composition.

The contrast between the strength of the parts and the fragility of the whole elicits feelings of tension, power, and serenity.

Art works last at most a few minutes to a few hours — with luck, long enough for a photo or two.

Have you ever tried to stack rocks one over the other? Would you have the patience?

Discover more stone stacking art by Michael Grab.
And I am sure you will like to know more about rutilated quartz and its healing properties!
[…] Stone stacking is also meditative! […]