Discover the weird noises of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN


Have you ever imagined what the large hadron collider at CERN sounds like?

Discover in this post the weird noise produced by the world’s largest particle collider at CERN.

large hadron collider, large hadron collider sound,  large hadron collider sound CERN, CERN sound, large hadron collider sound, soundscape sound, CERN soundscape sound, experiemental sound CERN, Art sound CERN, large hadron collider Sound  in CERN. Photo: Wikipedia, Recording the sounds of the large hadron collider in CERN. Photo: Wikipedia, strange sounds CERN
Recording the sounds of the large hadron collider in CERN. Photo: Wikipedia

All physical structures surrounding us are humming with their own secret sound. And scientists at CERN are recording these eerie, complex and weird noises of the particle pings.

And that’s what the world’s largest particle collider sounds like:

I have to say that even if the CERN-inspired sound project is still very much in progress, it’s haunting!

The metalic humming and buzzing sound reminds me of the weird noise in the sky phenomenon. What about you?

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