The sky is on fire! Loud booms and meteor reports around the world: May 2014

The sky is on fire this beginning of May 2014.


Here some loud booms and meteor reports from around the world.

sky on fire, Meteor reports, fireball reports, Meteor and fireball reports. meteor video, fireball video
Meteor and fireball reports.

We start this overview with the amazing fireball that was caught on tape by the SAC (Caribbean Astronomical Society) over Puerto Rico on April 30, 2014 at about 9:46 pm.

On May 2, 2014, so two days after, many residents in the Springfield area, Missouri, contacted officials to report a large flash of light associated with a big boom.

Finally, in parallel to the loud booms created by a fireball explosion over the Great Toronto area, yesterday, May 4, 2014, a sonic boom produced by a French army jet rumbled the entire west coast of France, from Bordeaux to Les Sables d’Olonne at around 2pm. 

According to officials, the Rafale jet went sonic to intercept an American Airlines flight having “communication problems.”

Finally this last video shows a bright meteor over Ibiza on April 14 2014:

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