This Lucky Guy Was Almost Killed By A Stone During Building Demolition In Czech Republic

Guy gets almost killed by rock flying from demolition


This is an amazing video showing a spectator almost being hit by a stone during  a building demolition in Prostejov, Czech Republic.

It did also almost happen to me, when I was hiking in the Swiss Alps!

Guy gets almost killed by rock flying from demolition, Guy gets almost killed by rock flying from demolition video, demolition gone wrong in czeck republic video, video demolition czeck republic, czeck republic bad demolition video,  demolition almost kills man in czeck republic video, Demolition almost kills man in Czeck Republic. Look at the video below!
Demolition almost kills man in Czech Republic. Look at the video below!

These people wanted to assist to the demolition of a clothing factory in a small city in Czech Republic. But this event almost ended tragically, as a stone, created by the explosion almost struck his head.

OMG! This is a freaking video! The video really shows that the stone, fast like hell, just narrowly miss the spectator.

A few inches on the left and he would have filmed his own death! Frightning!

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