A mysterious boom and rumblings have been heard and felt across coastal Alabama at approximately 3:15pm, on November 14, 2014.
The source of this booming noise/tremor is unknown at this time. But chief meteorologist believes it was chaff, tiny metallic strips dropped from aircraft to either calibrate or “fool” radars. WTF?!?
The USGS has not reported any earthquakes, even minor, for southern Alabama or the Gulf of Mexico.
NAS Pensacola confirmed no aircraft had operated at this time.
This is what Chief Meteorologist from News 5, Alan Sealls believes:
[quote_box_center]The booms and shaking people may have felt today wasn’t weather. The sky was clear so there was no rain or thunder. You would have had no reason to look at a radar today but if you were looking at a high resolution radar you might have seen some lines that looked like rain – but it wasn’t raining today. The shapes and textures I saw look like something called chaff, being released by fast moving aircraft. Chaff is tiny metallic strips dropped from aircraft to either calibrate or “fool” radars. This is something the military does from time to time but rarely do they announce it. I will only guess that today there was some sort of military exercise that involved jets going supersonic and creating booms. With our cold, dense air in place, sound travels farther.[/quote_box_center]
For what are they training? A secret mission? Why would they want to fool radars? A plane interception? This is weird and still unexplained!
Strangely, we had another mysterious BOOM on the same date, 3yrs later, 11-14-2017.
Yes! Good remark. Here a link to the latest in Alabama: http://strangesounds.org/2017/11/loud-boom-shakes-homes-across-alabama-nasa-says-its-a-mystery.html
This is the only place I can even find those news videos, since they were erased..
If anyone remembers, there were 2 Russian bombers that were flying our borders that day.
I heard the “boom” and it was NOT a “Sonic Boom”. It sounded like an earth ripping, 5 second long quake.
Except, it wasn’t a quake. Our pilots intercepted the bombers, they released their flares and dropped bombs into the Gulf of Mexico.
It’s amazing how many people are clueless about something so easy to figure out!
[…] Some rumblings were linked to SONIC BOOMS on Nov. 14, 2014 in Alabama. […]