A massive plume of Saharan dust has shrouded swathes of the Caribbean, turning blue skies into a milky-brown haze…
And sparking health warnings across the region as air quality fell to unhealthy levels.

Strong warm winds over the Sahara desert typically whip up sand at this time of year and carry it thousands of miles across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas.
Now surging through the Caribbean, a massive plume of Saharan #dust will complete its 5,000-mile journey to the U.S. later this week. https://t.co/PQW8IyqAeQ pic.twitter.com/rCInnLTxzd
— The Weather Channel (@weatherchannel) June 21, 2020
This year, the dust is the most dense in a half a century, according to several meteorologists. The thick smog has sharply reduced visibility.
#SaharanDust will stick around through the week, with some improvement expected overnight into Monday and again on Thursday due to two tropical waves.
— TTWeatherCenter (@TTWeatherCenter) June 21, 2020
Little overall rainfall is forecast from TW12, with higher shower and thunderstorm chances with TW13. https://t.co/dliPIhdqjG pic.twitter.com/ETKaDoVMAy
Jamaica’s Blue Mountains, usually a prominent sight towering over Kingston, were hidden behind an oppressive white cloud.
Ok, last dust pic for today and this one is perhaps the most incredible yet. The comparison photos were sent to me from Mirco Ferro who lives in St. Barthelemy. Check the dates in the photos (top is from March) – both are unfiltered or altered in any way. #SAL #DUST pic.twitter.com/FBwOG5ly1E
— Mark Sudduth (@hurricanetrack) June 21, 2020
“I’m not sure if it’s sneaking in through the vents, because the air inside doesn’t feel the same,” said Sarue Thomas, 31, from her office in Kingston, where temperatures exceeded 30 degrees Celsius and the air was stiflingly thick.
“This is something that we’ve not ever seen before,” said Thomas, adding that her three-year-old son had developed a dry cough.
“It’s the worst I’ve seen since we’ve kept records,” said Evan Thompson, director of the meteorological service division in Jamaica.
“We are seeing a much thicker mass of dust particles suspended. It is a lot more distinct and noticeable.“
A significant concentration of #SaharanDust has reduced visibility across Trinidad to 1 KM, with air quality at unhealthy levels. Remain indoors if possible.
— TTWeatherCenter (@TTWeatherCenter) June 21, 2020
Video: Ryan Ali, Diego Martinhttps://t.co/NHomjZSanH pic.twitter.com/ZmS8GJFS74
The dust cloud moved into the eastern Caribbean at the weekend and by Tuesday had smothered Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and eastern Cuba, continuing its advance up and westward toward Central America and southern United States.
Officials across the region warned locals to remain at home when possible and wear a face mask, especially if they already had a respiratory condition, as the dust was a powerful irritant and could contain pathogens as well as minerals.
“The use of a face mask is recommended in this situation, in addition to already being necessary for prevention of COVID-19,” said Cuba’s top weather man, Jose Rubiera, on his Facebook page.
“Those with asthma and people with allergies should be careful and stay at home.“
The Saharan dust typically “helps build beaches in the Caribbean and fertilizes soils in the Amazon” in addition to affecting air quality, according to NASA, which has captured satellite images of the plume.
More strange sky phenomena on Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle. Now if you are looking for supplements to increase your healthy lifestyle and sexlife please visit Natural Health Source. [Reuters]
Can you please tell us all USA is effected or partially which states. We just had another 5.4 in near Mexico city after shock.
So far what i have said came through China has over 300K soldiers and India has over 400K soldiers lanes and much more in 3000 miles of border with China. Pakistan also put soldiers at borders with India, China war ships are ready to attack Taiwan? North Korea is totally in stage of war with South Korea and USA is ready to attack IRAN. India is buying 35 new war planes from Russia? Ho bob dust that i mentioned as well.
July 4 2020 is New Full Moon of July and with global reset and world will be total lock down soon? If you want buy a condo in Dubai is between 35 Million dollars and 900 Million Dollars?
guess who has money for it use your imaginations? Not me or you? We will shake down more as a result of Solar Eclipse that was covered exact areas of tensions we mentioned above and
less all Asia and Middle East and etc..
southwestern part of the USA
why is the air moving east to west?
How is the Amazon providing moisture to the US Mid West? That’s not East to West. The US Mid West receives it’s moisture from the Pacific Ocean or far West.
Here an interesting article about the phenomenon: https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/saharan-air-layer/
The Amazon rainforest, believe it or not, supplies much moisture to the U.S. mid-West… our wheat and corn breadbasket. So, yes, save it for it’s vitally important to our survival.
It’s the dust from the Sahara that brings the rain to the Amazon. Did you know that the Sahara desert as we know it is only around 1,600 years old. During Roman times it was much wetter. Currently, scientists are discovering that the Amazon Rain Forest is about the same age. Under that rainforest are the remains of towns and farms. They even find the remains of the corn/maze that they grew there. Pottery, tools, and graves. They are finding road systems between very large towns that may have held as many as 50,000 people. It all goes back to around the 535 AD Event. Save the Rain Forest? It’s not even suppose to be there.
As Procopius wrote, “The sun gave forth its light without brightness”. Ilopango volcano in El Salvador is thought to be the main cause of the resulting series of calamities which befell the world in the mid 500s including the Plague of Justinian.
Ilopango Volcano is a prime suspect. The 535 AD Event is a very interesting study. It brought down Empires in India and China. Eventually it got so cold it drove the Norse from Greenland. Plagues crossed the continents. A real game changer.
thanks for adding this.
Thank you for your knowledge.