Fire alarms went off at the Hamaoka nuclear plant in Shizuoka Prefecture on Tuesday, and the operator confirmed smoke within a building, the second such incident within a week at the currently suspended facility.
No leakage of radioactive material outside the plant has been confirmed, said the operator, Chubu Electric Power Co., after the incident at around 5:15 a.m. in the building that houses a turbine of the plant’s No. 5 reactor.
The utility alerted a local fire station after a worker confirmed smoke. However, an on-site inspection conducted by the fire authorities led to the conclusion that there wasn’t a fire, the company said.
The alarms went off on the second and third floors of the four-story building with two underground levels, according to the utility.
On Thursday, the plant reported a fire in which smoke emanated from an electrical wire on its premises.
The Hamaoka plant has suspended its operations since May 2011, two months after the massive earthquake and tsunami that triggered the Fukushima nuclear accident, due to safety concerns at the request of then Prime Minister Naoto Kan. [JT]
Weird n0? What are the covering up?
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Japanese build good fire alarms, so maybe there is something that needs closer inspection?
That smoking wire doesn’t sound good though. That problem will get worse. Good thing their President has a brain in his head (unlike our booger-eating cretin).
Does the local sashimi glow-in-the-dark yet?