A contrail shadow at sunset is just out of this world


On October 31, 2015, a weird phenomenon was captured by Larry Perkins in the sunset sky of Penrose, Colorado.

The Sun, just below the horizon was casting a shadow of a plane contrail up to the bottom side of some clouds. Like a twist.

contrail shadow, contrail shadow at sunset, contrail shadow at sunset picture, picture of contrain shadow at sunset, colarado contrail shadow, contrail shadow colorado october 31 2015 photo, The shadow of a twisting contrail appears under some clouds in the sky of Colorado
The shadow of a twisting contrail appears under some clouds in the sky of Colorado. Photo: Larry Perkins

As he explains:

I went outside just as the Sun had dipped below the horizon. Looking west I noticed something I had never seen before. Its common to see a contrail cast a shadow down to clouds below, but this was different.

contrail shadow, contrail shadow at sunset, contrail shadow at sunset picture, picture of contrain shadow at sunset, colarado contrail shadow, contrail shadow colorado october 31 2015 photo, The shadow of a twisting contrail appears under some clouds in the sky of Colorado, A dark line in the red sunset sky left by this twister contrail over Penrose, Colorado. Photo by Larry Perkins
A dark line in the red sunset sky left by this twister contrail over Penrose, Colorado. Photo by Larry Perkins

A jet had flown and left a contrail below a layer of clouds higher up. The Sun at such a low elevation angle was actually casting a shadow of the contrail up to the bottom side of the clouds.

You remember this black contrail shadow that appeared over Honeymoon Island, Florida?

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