OMG! Did you see these awesome iridescent clouds as well as the plane’s rainbow trails?
Iridescent clouds ok, but rainbow trails? Well it seems that ‘contrails’ close to the sun create stunning rainbows.
Look at these awesome images captured by Atto Kagaya, a Japanese photographer, over Oshinomura, Yamanashi.
You see a plane flying through a giant cloud of five different colours.
An enormous iridescent cloud.
Now, let’s have a closer look to this plane! Yes, it is emitting a rippled rainbow of clouds in the sky.
The iridescent colours appear when contrails form near the sun and the light reflects off millions of water droplets or ice crystals that form in the condensation from the plane.
Are contrails geoengineering?
The phenomenon of contrails occurs when aircraft fly above 25,000ft where water vapor emitted by the engines can crystallize and form the familiar white streaks across the sky, known as contrails.
According to scientists, they could be the reason why more solar radiation is reaching our surface.
This haze caused by airplanes is gradually whitening blue skies and the layer of crystals left from the contrails is causing a more diffused type of light.
We might be actually conducting some unintentional geoengineering here.