Have you ever seen a pink lightning storm?
No? Well look at this one! It’s Eerie!
Yes it is insane! This video was shot by Shallon Dahl’s IPhone on the roof of a house in Eston, Saskatchewan, Canada on July 3, 2016.
Here the entire video of this eerie pink sky:
Dahl just wanted to capture the gorgeous, apocalyptic cotton candy-coloured skies rolling in over the town at sunset.
Such an incredible pink sky phenomenon occurred beginning of this year in Nunavut. And the day following Prince’s death, the rainy sky turned purple…
[…] Eerie pink lightning storm rolls through Eston, Saskatchewan, Canada […]
[…] Un anomala attivita’ elettrica registrata in Canada ad Eston, Saskatchewan in pieno giorno!Il fenomeno ha lasciato a bocca aperta numerosi spettatori inermi di fronte a questo spettacolo apocalittico. Il video e’ stato diffuso dalla CBC americana.LINK […]