What are these strange elongated clouds in the sky over Santiago de Chile on July 21, 2016?
Another evidence of HAARP?
They say project HAARP (= High-frequency Active Auroral Research) is for research. They say it’s for communications. But the real motive is much more sinister.
They actually want to rape the sky with energy rays from large amounts of antennas placed at HAARP’s location in Alaska and around the world. These rays of energy could then potentially be reflected back into the Earth’s ionosphere on an extremely low frequency, called ELF waves and thus change these waves to an extremely dangerous weapon.
The ELF waves are capable of penetrating your own brain. Put your cell phone on vibrate. Now put it to your head. Times this force by at least a million. You have just experienced the potential of HAARP. On top of this, the vibrations could influence brain activity… They could brainwash you. And make you do anythng.
These low frequencies improve radio contact between people, even if you’re inside a thick concrete bunker or a submarine. The military might be able to prank call the korean subs with ease, locate missiles and detect bunkers created by the ‘enemy’ but I highly doubt this is worth paralyzing anyone who is between the wave and the wave’s destination. That’s like them firing missiles at each other with you being completely immobile in between them. It can also block signals from any electronic device, which would mean you could stop anyone, anywhere from communicating electronically.
To this day, nobody completely understands how the ionoshpere will react to being raped by energy rays. Remember the large hardon collider, and how they’re throwing atoms at each other just to see what will happen? This is basically it, except there’s no 50 million to one chance of something bad happening. The odds are far, far less. Together with the ozone layer, the ionosphere protects us from being fried by the sun. We’re being so pissy about global warming destroying the ozone layer this could destroy the ionosphere in seconds.
The truth is, that HAARP camouflages the worlds biggest weapon ever created, one that could literally destroy the world. Scientists intend to heat the ionosphere with the antennas, in turn this will create ion clouds that will replicate an optical lense, which will reflect the ELF waves and rain shit down upon us.
Here a video: https://www.facebook.com/100011656382363/videos/231462747252270/
Wake up, our skies are being programmed, and we’re not far behind.
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Technology under the wrong control and hands such as governments and their agencies is far too dangerous to the human species and the planet.
I will be glad if someday these technologies are destroyed.