Can you explain that mysterious cloud bubble?
Look at this strange atmospheric phenomenon captured in the Gulf of Fonseca, just in the vicinity of the island of Meanguera, department of La Union by the satellite image service of Google, on January 13, 2017.

The image gives the impression of being a giant bubble that formed near the Island of Meanguera, El Salvador on January 13, 2017.

It seems that the gian

It seems that the huge blob is generating fairly abnormal waves in the periphery of the volcanic island, which is 7 kilometers in length and presents a total area of 16 km².

Images have gone been viral in the social networks, as you can understand! The Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) said it was a weird but natural maritime phenomenon that did not represent any danger for the inhabitants of the zone.

In the meantime, officials are laughing out loud!
It can be smoking underwater volcano or like I often say – another wormhole event