In 1976, radio signals around the world were interrupted by a strange, regular, tapping noise over the airwaves that people nicknamed “The Russian Woodpecker.” Nobody knew what it was exactly, but radio geeks eventually managed to triangulate its origin to a place just outside Chernobyl, in Ukraine. Specifically this thing:
Given the supervillain-bent of most massive Soviet projects, and, the look of that crazy damn thing, speculation was rampant: It was a mind-control device, or a weather machine, like HAARP in Alaska.

After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the Woodpecker kept tapping for a couple more years and then fell silent.

It was only after the Cold War ended that we were able to find out what it really was: The nearly 500-foot-tall metal wall known as Duga-3 was one of three radar installations capable of detecting incoming American missiles.
I have no ideas what they are now using it for… Maybe indeed weather manipulation or mind-control! Meanwhile discover other mysterious Numbers Stations.