This monster cumulonimbus cloud forming off Cordoba, Argentina looks terrifying.
As if an atomic bomb had just exploded leaving a giant mushroom rising to the skies.

A huge mushroom cloud formed in the sky off Cordoba, Argentina on November 30, 2019.

The monstrous cloud looks just very creepy in sunset light.

Yes, just like a cloud out of an apocalyptic movie.
How did you find the video?

This sunset storm brought heavy winds and hail around Cordoba, Argentina.

The giant anvil cloud has really something from a nuclear mushroom.

That cloud is on fire!

And furiously swallows up the sky over Cordoba, Argentina.

Pictures were found here:
If you see such a monster cloud formation in the sky in your area. Take a pictures, send it to me and just go under cover! The storm associated with thos terrifying clouds are very powerful and can sometimes turn deadly.