A man died and three were injured on Friday when a lightning struck in Gurugram at around 4.30 p.m., as they were taking shelter from the rain under a tree. The horrific incident was captured in the CCTV cameras:
The workers after the #LightningStrikes pic.twitter.com/bLyNNx7gHG
— Utkarsh Singh (@utkarshs88) March 12, 2021
All four were rushed to the hospital with severe burns.

Here a zoom video:
Hindistan / Gurugram
Yağmurdan korunmak için ağacın altına kaçan 4 kişinin üzerine yıldırım düştü. ⚡ pic.twitter.com/L4g6kvI0Rl
— Adem (@erkinler) March 13, 2021
There are increasing reports of people or animals being struck by lightnings these days…
Freak lightning kills 500 sheep in Nepal…
Lightning Kills 3 Nomads and Hundreds of Animals in India…
Lightning Kills More Than 100 Sheep and Goats in India…
Freak thunderstorm with 300,000 lightnings strikes South Australia… And more than 2.4 millions a few days before…
Mysterious Wandering Ball Lightning Glowing Orb…
Are they weaponizing the weather?
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