Strange sounds from the sky baffle residents of Jakarta


The thunder-like sound of a trumpet was heard in the sky of Condet, East Jakarta, between 6:00 to 7:00 pm on Friday 09/11/2015.

Scared residents report a rumbling noise coming from anywhere around, mixed to a voice and the terrifying sky trumpet.

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The weird noise similar to that of an airplane passing by lasted about an hour. According to witnesses it changed in intensity, oscillating between louder and quieter tonalities.

Here a video sample of the strange sounds from the sky heard in Jakarta:

As shown in my list of Strange Sounds Around The World, this strange metalic noise has been recorded across our planet since 2008. But weird sounds had already been reported in the ancient Egypt as preachers believed mysterious statues were singing, or speaking with them… Mystery booms and rumbling noises have also been reported since the beginning of the 20th century.

The last sky sound was reported on August 24, 2015 in southwest Virginia and in Tuscumbia, Alabama:

Although from unknown origin, scientists say the sound may come from natural disasters such as earthquakes, tidal waves, the explosion of methane gas, and/ or meteor fragmentation. Another theory is that the sound are being emitted by the international research program High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program better known under HAARP.

So how do you think these mysterious noises from the sky are being created?

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