Abnormal Square Clouds Form in the Sky Around the World and Nobody Can Explain Why


It’s unusual, incredible, strange and totally wrong.

Clouds should not look like a square. But such clouds that began appearing all across over our planet in recent years are now constantly increasing… And this is alarming!

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Odd square cloud runs into Kamchatka’s volcano field. By NASA

Following the weird sightnings over Toronto on January 2, 2020… What are the reasons for these strange cloud formations? What’s behind this strange weather phenomenon?

Can nature really create clouds in the form of a square with an angle of 90 degrees?


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Mysterious square clouds over Devon, UK. Via Daily Mail

A result of HAARP?

Another proof of climate control?

Geoengineering – weather management?

square clouds, mysterious square clouds, strange square clouds, square clouds around the world, square clouds picture, square clouds video
Strange square cloud over Tucson Arizona. Via Youtube video

Is there someone on Earth who can shape clouds in this way? If yes, with what technologies?

We can control rain, hail and lightning using geoengineering so why not clouds.

square clouds, mysterious square clouds, strange square clouds, square clouds around the world, square clouds picture, square clouds video
Somewhere over the USA. via Reddit

So what’s behing those clouds? There are many options, but none of them has one hundred percent confirmation.

square clouds, mysterious square clouds, strange square clouds, square clouds around the world, square clouds picture, square clouds video
Some other examples of strange clouds captured in the sky around the world. And this should be a natural phenomnon? via Express

All the leading countries of the world categorically deny the use of climate control technologies. But how can we explain these strange clouds in the skies?

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  1. There are sunsimulators in our skies now and those square/retangle “clouds” are actually relectors used to aid in evenly distributing the light from the simulators.

  2. A flying carpet created by Galactic Federation of Light. They can create anything, everything. Salusa, the commander of Galactic Federation of Light told through telepathy communication “We can create anything.”. They can also move the Earth formation including mountains. Do you remember Jesus said “We can move mountains if we want.”. Jesus, Archangel Michael, and some other archangels are part of Galactic Federation of Light. Jesus has been originally from The Pleiades. And of course, he is still alive in a higher dimension. But right now, he is working for the Earth change ( The Earth is going to be shifted to 5th dimension.) with Galactic Federation of Light members. He is helping people on the Earth spiritually so that hopefully many of them can go to 5th dimension with the Earth. But many of them have chose to stay in the lower dimension have to leave from the Earth to some other low dimensional planets.

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