What are these mysterious screams coming from an Umatilla Indian Reservation swamp?
Godzilla, bigfoot or just wildlife screams?

About two years ago, residents of Umatilla Indian Reservation, Oregon, got terrified by scary cries and screams emanating from the swamps.
Listen to them:
Really creepy, no?
Is it the legendary ape-like humanoid Bigfoot? This creature is part of the tribal tradition and spiritual beliefs.
Or are these noises most likely related to culprits, including cougars and foxes which make hair-rising sounds when they bride?
Cougar screams are indeed pretty scary and could raise your hair on the back of your neck:
And listen to these fox screams… How terrifying:
I would also bet on wildlife screams, but who knows, Bigfoot was maybe around at this time!
[…] The Umatilla Strange Sounds – January 21 2013. Strange Sounds from the Umatilla swamp, Oregon. Another record. This one was picked up on January 21, 2013 on the Umatilla Indian Reservation in eastern Oregon @ 11 pm. You hear the strange cries (most probably an animal like coyote, fox or cougar and then loud bangs from a gunshot. The animal screams than stop mysteriously. Well I think this is another proof that the sound is from an animal. […]
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