These creepy mammatus clouds over Israel are so mind-blowing – April 19, 2014

So-called mammatus clouds or "breast clouds" rolled over Israel on April 19, 2014, announcing stormy rain

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Mammatus clouds over Nahariya, Israel. Photo: Rativo family

Mammatus clouds are also known as mammatocumulus or translated from Latin to english: “mammary cloud” or “breast cloud”.

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Breast clouds over Kibbutz Dafna. Photo: Shlomi Dadon

Breast clouds usually form at around 4 kilometers above the sea level when rain falls onto a dry layer of air and and instantly evaporates thus creating these eerie mammatus clouds.

Last week, these mammatus clouds were triggered by an active jet stream, causing rainfall over Israel. These eerie clouds are normally associated with severe storms and rain.

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mammatus clous over Haifa in Israel – april 2014. Photo: Gilad Har Sheleg

I haven’t heard about apocalyptic weather, but only about heavy rains.

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