Storm Survival: Discover Photos And Descriptions To Recognize Dangerous Clouds

Know how to recognize storm clouds and severe weather precursors!


During severe weather outbreaks, conditions can change rapidly and the weather can turn volatile quickly. The following is a breakdown of ominous-looking clouds and whether there is imminent danger associated with them.

Cumulonimbus Clouds

Cumulonimbus cloud, Cumulonimbus clouds, Cumulonimbus clouds are a sign of a maturing thunderstorm, which may produce heavy rain, hail and dangerous lightning photo, best photo of Cumulonimbus clouds
Cumulonimbus clouds are a sign of a maturing thunderstorm, which may produce heavy rain, hail and dangerous lightning

“Thunderclouds” are known scientifically as cumulonimbus clouds.  They are tall, dense, and unstable, which makes them produce rain, lightning and thunder. A lifting mechanism, such as a cold front, can help trigger these clouds to form.


Scud Clouds

skud clouds, skud cloud, skud clouds photo, photo of skud clouds, amazing clouds photography, dangerous clouds: skud clouds, dangerous clouds almanach, Phot and almanach of dangerous clouds, Skud clouds photographed over Athens, Tennessee on Mai 24, 2009
Skud clouds photographed over Athens, Tennessee on Mai 24, 2009. Photo by Doove4Cane

Scud clouds may appear to be ominous as they hang vertically below a cumulonimbus cloud. Sometimes, scud clouds are mistaken for funnel clouds. However, these clouds are benign and non-rotating. They often have a ragged appearance that sets them apart from the often smooth funnel clouds.


Shelf Clouds

Shelf cloud, Shelf clouds, Shelf, amazing shelf cloud photo, best shelf cloud photo, Shelf Cloud over Saskatchewan, Canada on May 9, 2013
Shelf Cloud over Saskatchewan, Canada on May 9, 2013

Shelf clouds often form at the leading edge of a gust front or outflow boundary from a thunderstorm or strong winds flowing down and outward from a storm. The outer part of a shelf cloud is often smoother with a notable rising motion exhibited by a tiered look (hence, the name shelf cloud). Underneath, a turbulent, unsettled appearance is often the case. A shelf cloud should be seen as a harbinger of strong winds, so take caution.


Wall Clouds

wall cloud, wall clouds, amazing cloud photo: wall cloud, dangerous clouds: wall cloud, what are these clouds, wall cloud photo
A wall cloud forms in April 2014 near Kinsley in Kansas. Photo by Cory Mottice

A wall cloud is a cloud that is lowered from a thunderstorm, forming when rapidly rising air causes lower pressure below the storm’s main updraft. They can range from a fraction of a mile up to nearly 5 miles in diameter. Wall clouds that rotate are a warning sign of very violent thunderstorms. They can be an indication that a tornado will touch down within minutes or even within an hour.


Funnel Clouds / Tornadoes

Funnel cloud, dangerous funnel clouds and tornado, dangerous clouds, recognize dangerous clouds: funnel clouds, viewed from the southeast, that produced a category F5 tornado (inital estimate of F4) that hit Elie, Manitoba on Friday, June 22nd, 2007.
Funnel cloud, viewed from the southeast, that produced a category F5 tornado (inital estimate of F4) that hit Elie, Manitoba on Friday, June 22nd, 2007. Photo by Justin Hobson

A funnel cloud is a rotating column of air (visible due to condensation) that does not reach the ground. If a funnel cloud reaches all the way to the ground, it is then classified as a tornado. When out on the road, funnel clouds should be treated as tornadoes, since they could touch down. Vehicles are NOT a safe place to be if there is a tornado nearby.


Thunderstorm Anvil Clouds

dangerous clouds: Amazing Anvil clouds, discover dangerous clouds, what are dangerous clouds, recognize dangerous clouds: anvil clouds, Amazing Anvil clouds. Photo found on
Amazing Anvil clouds. Photo found on

Anvil clouds are the flat top of a thunderstorm, or cumulonimbus cloud. They can spread up to “hundreds of miles downwind from the thunderstorm itself,” according to the National Weather Service. Lightning can strike from anvil clouds, even far away from a thunderstorm. Lightning described as striking “from out of the blue” is usually from an anvil cloud that has drifted from a thunderstorm.


Mammatus Clouds

mammatus clouds, scary clouds: mammatus clouds, dangerous clouds: mammatus clouds, Formation of mammatus clouds over the city of Regina Saskatchewan on 2012-06-26 following a severe storm warning and tornado watch. Photo by Craig Lindsay
Formation of mammatus clouds over the city of Regina Saskatchewan on 2012-06-26 following a severe storm warning and tornado watch. Photo by Craig Lindsay

Striking mammatus clouds can sometimes be seen below thunderstorm anvil clouds. The rounded and smooth look of mammutus clouds captivates onlookers. They are often found underneath anvil clouds of severe thunderstorms; however, they can form underneath clouds associated with non-severe thunderstorms as well.


Asperatus Clouds

asperatus cloud, best asperatus cloud, amazing asperatus cloud, dangerous asperatus cloud, Asperatus Cloud in New Zealand. Photo by Merrick Davies
Asperatus Cloud in New Zealand. Photo by Merrick Davies

An abundance of heat in the atmosphere is needed to produce enough energy for the dramatic, rolling formations of asperatus clouds. Another factor is the interaction of very moist air (often on the fringes of thunderstorm complexes) with very dry air.
The darkness of the clouds is likely due to the large amount of water vapor. Asperatus clouds are not necessarily accompanied by stormy weather. In fact, they have often been observed without the development of thunderstorms.

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