Mystery Booms and Rumblings Around Auckland, New Zealand – June 17 2014

New mystery booms and rumblings this time in Auckland, New Zealand on June 17, 2014


 Did you hear it? Did you feel it?Mysterious booms and rumblings around Auckland in New Zealand.

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Booms of unknown origin heard and felt around Auckland in New Zealand on June 17 2014. Photo by Brett Phibbs

At about 4pm, residents from Piha in the west to Whangaparaoa in the north-east reported hearing and feeling large thumps, bangs or shocks, yesterday on June 17, 2014. The Defence Force could be behind but the source is still unexplained.

No damage, but tons of mails reporting four or five bangs, sounding like thunder or an earthquake, which started at 4pm and continued every quarter of an hour until after 5pm.

Could it be bombing practice carried out by the airforce around the Kaipara harbour? A Defence Force spokesman said the airforce base it had anything to do with the noise. An earthquake? There was no earthquake. A meteor strike? Could be as the noise was coming from the sky (but 4 within half a hour is improbable).

Reports from Twitter:

@haydennz sad: “felt about 4or 5 thumps thought something hit our house in greenhithe on the shore”

@abbey-maree: “Same thing here in Avondale. Weird thumping/banging.” More here!

Do you have an answer? Please explain! (UPDATE: According to, the Army is behind the booms and others are planned for next week! So get ready for more noise!)

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  1. The NZ defence force initially said that they had no exercises that could explain the bangs but now (24hrs on) they are claiming that they are the culprits after all. Apparently they were dropping 500lb bombs at the Kaipara bombing range. I live 10kms SE of the range in the nearest town Helensville. We heard NOTHING and yet many people 60kms SE of us in Auckland heard booms loud enough to startle them, some said that it shook the house and gave quite a scare. We’ll you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that it doesn’t add up.

    • Hi,

      Thank you for your message… Yes, I also read about these booms being created by the army… But I think that with your message, the source is clearly not military and remains unknown.

      Thank you,


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