Fantastic nacreous cloud appears in the sky of Abisco, Sweden


This fantastic colorful nacreous cloud appeared in the sky of Abisco, Sweden on December 14, 2015.

Mother of pearl clouds are a kind of polar stratospheric clouds that float through the stratosphere (25 km) and they are fantastically colorful.

nacreous cloud, mother of pearl cloud, nacreous cloud sweden december 2015, nacreous cloud december 2015, nacreous cloud 2015, mother of pearl cloud sweden december 2015, polar stratospheric cloud, polar stratospheric cloud sweden, polar stratospheric cloud sweden december 2015, Nacreous clouds are colorful polar stratospheric clouds
Nacreous clouds are colorful polar stratospheric clouds.
nacreous cloud, mother of pearl cloud, nacreous cloud sweden december 2015, nacreous cloud december 2015, nacreous cloud 2015, mother of pearl cloud sweden december 2015, polar stratospheric cloud, polar stratospheric cloud sweden, polar stratospheric cloud sweden december 2015, Nacreous clouds are colorful polar stratospheric clouds, These mother of perl clouds appeared in the sky of Abisco, Sweden on December 14, 2015
These mother of perl clouds appeared in the sky of Abisco, Sweden on December 14, 2015.
nacreous cloud, mother of pearl cloud, nacreous cloud sweden december 2015, nacreous cloud december 2015, nacreous cloud 2015, mother of pearl cloud sweden december 2015, polar stratospheric cloud, polar stratospheric cloud sweden, polar stratospheric cloud sweden december 2015, Nacreous clouds are colorful polar stratospheric clouds, These mother of perl clouds appeared in the sky of Abisco, Sweden on December 14, 2015
Polar stratospheric clouds float at 25km above Earth surface.
nacreous cloud, mother of pearl cloud, nacreous cloud sweden december 2015, nacreous cloud december 2015, nacreous cloud 2015, mother of pearl cloud sweden december 2015, polar stratospheric cloud, polar stratospheric cloud sweden, polar stratospheric cloud sweden december 2015, Nacreous clouds are colorful polar stratospheric clouds, These mother of perl clouds appeared in the sky of Abisco, Sweden on December 14, 2015
These rare colorful clouds form in the lower stratosphere when temperatures drop to around minus 85ºC.
nacreous cloud, mother of pearl cloud, nacreous cloud sweden december 2015, nacreous cloud december 2015, nacreous cloud 2015, mother of pearl cloud sweden december 2015, polar stratospheric cloud, polar stratospheric cloud sweden, polar stratospheric cloud sweden december 2015, Nacreous clouds are colorful polar stratospheric clouds, These mother of perl clouds appeared in the sky of Abisco, Sweden on December 14, 2015
The iridescent colors appearing in the clouds are the result of diffraction and interference of sunlight shining through tiny ice particles ~10µm across.

Nacreous clouds far outshine and have much more vivid colours than ordinary iridescent clouds but some polar stratospheric clouds are are linked to the destruction of ozone.

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