Rivers and lakes mysteriously disappearing increase around the world


Within the last 3 months or so, newspapers have started reporting increasingly about rivers and lakes that mysteriously and suddenly disappear around the world.

Here a compilation of the most baffling incidents.

Let’s start this compilation with the Atoyac River, which disappeared overnight drained by a giant 30 meters by 20 meters fissure in the riverbed. The large sink hole cut the water supply to more than 10,000 families for a few days.

atoyac river disappears overnight mexico, lakes and rivers disappear around the world, sinkhole drains lake and river around the world
The atoyac river disappears overnight mexico

One month later, in April 2016, two other rivers flowing through the exact same mountainous region of the eastern state of Veracruz, Mexico also began to dry up due to the formation of sinkholes.

rivers and lake disappears around the world
The flow of the Tliapa and Tlacuapa rivers has been almost shut down due to two large holes in a cascade.

End of March 2016, another giant crater almost drained out a pond and devoured up to 25 tons of fish all of a sudden in China.

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A large pond and the fish in it were swallwed by this huge hole in China

Now, closer to us in May 2016, Lake Riesco in Chilean Patagonia has almost dried out within two or three days, transforming this idyllic place into a rock-and-sand landscape. People are still waiting for an official answer to this mystery… Was another sinkhole or a fault line at the origin of the disappearance of this water reservoir?

Mid June 2016, official sources report an unprecedent water crisis in the same region of Chile with large lakes and rivers drying up and thus threatening communities and animals living around.

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Mystery around lake riesco disappearance. Sinkhole? Geological fault? Or lack of rain?

Only during last week, parts of the popular Ogun river in Nigeria – June 17, 2016 – and a Lake Peschёra – June 19, 2016 – disappeared overnight drained out by deep holes in the ground. Moreover, most of Lake Alligator in Florida vanished though giant holes on June 9, 2016.

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Lake Peschera was vanished through a deep sinkhole in June 2016.

And what about the Kalamba Lake in Kolhapur which has almost dried up completely for the first time in its 135-year-old existence? From an original size of 63.13 hectares, it is now only 2-3 hectares wide.

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And what about the mysterious disappearance of parts of th Ogun River in Nigeria?

And what about Lake Poopo, the second largest lake of Bolivia, which has almost completely disappeared.

sinkhole swallows pond china, , rivers and lake disappears around the world, atoyac river disappears overnight mexico, lakes and rivers disappear around the world, sinkhole drains lake and river around the world
Lake Poopo dissecation is killing thousands of animals

It should also be notified that Lake Waiau, Hawaii’s only alpine lake is also mysterious disappearing.

sinkhole swallows pond china, , rivers and lake disappears around the world, atoyac river disappears overnight mexico, lakes and rivers disappear around the world, sinkhole drains lake and river around the world
lake Waiau disappears in Hawaii

Is really the extreme El Nino 2015 responsible for all these sinkholes and diying lakes and rivers. Is something else also playing a role? I don’t know exactly but something is really going crazy. And mother Earth doesn’t like it at all.

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  1. A growing number of miracles (crosses of light, world waters turn blood, milk-drinking icons, weeping statues, patterns of light, new lakes ) are signs of Christ’s return. In fact The CHRIST is now in the world. He had given more than two dozen interviews on television. Introduced not as The Christ but as a seemingly ordinary man, he continues in these interviews to propose practical solutions to our pressing global problems. He will become known for his insightful analysis of the world’s needs and his call for justice and freedom for all.
    At the earliest possible moment, The Christ will reveal his true identity. Through a growing public response to his presence and ideas, he will be invited to speak to the entire world. On this Day of Declaration, to be seen worldwide via linked television networks, The Christ will mentally ‘overshadow’ all of humanity simultaneously, and each of us will hear his words telepathically in our own language. Even those who are not watching The Christ on television will have this experience. His energy of love will enter the hearts of all, galvanizing humanity to save the world. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of spontaneous healings will take place throughout the world. In this way we will know that The Christ is truly the World Teacher for all humanity.

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