Mystery Booms and Rumblings Are Increasing in the US and Nobody Knows Why


Here a compilation of mysterious booms and rumblings across the US in December 2018.

All remain a mystery… From the ground? From the air? Weird things are going on…

mystery booms december 2018, mystery booms december 2018 video
The mystery booms continue in December 2018 in the USA.

Maine: Homes rattled after mysterious explosion

A cannonball mysterious noise shook homes in New Gloucester, Maine on Saturday, December 15, 2018. It sounded like sonic boom almost kind of like a cannonball.

There were no flashes of light along with it or anything. Really confusing. – News Center Maine

Illinois: Mysterious noise rattles windows across East Central Illinois

It was at 9:15 p.m. Saturday when a big “boom” could be heard in a swath of East Central Illinois spanning from as far south as Rantoul, Gifford and Ludlow to as far north as Cullom, Gilman and Thawville to as far west as Gibson City to as far east as Milford and Hoopeston.

Some wondered if it was a jet that broke the sound barrier during a test run or perhaps a meteor that entered the earth’s atmosphere at supersonic speeds.

It remained unknown Sunday morning what caused a on Saturday night and could be heard in towns as far as 30 miles away. – News – Gazette

California: East Bakerfield rattled by a loud boom

A loud boom that was heard across East Bakersfield on December 13, 2018 has residents and authorities confused as to where it came from.

Bakersfield Fire Department, Kern County Sheriff’s Office, and Edwards Air Force Base have been contacted. However they have no information about the origin of the noise.

According to Edwards Air Force Base, they did not have any launches or tests for last night. – Turn to 23

Ohio: Columbus region mystified by loud and rumbling noise

The Columbus region was rattled by a loud noise on December 14, 2018 morning, rattling windows and scaring residents.

The last time this happened it was an aircraft from Robins Air Force Base in middle Georgia.

Base officials were contacted Friday afternoon and said it was not an airplane from Robins that caused the issue. 

It was likely a sonic boom but the source has not been discovered. a meteor? – WRBL

California: Mysterious light appears over the San Francisco Bay Area

A mysterious light with a twisting, smoking tail appeared in the early evening sky over the San Francisco Bay Area on Wednesday, December 19, 2018.

It was a glowing green meteor shortly after sunset this evening, that left this bright trail that was visible for many minutes in the western sky. – Fox News

Do you also hear or see weird things coming from the sky?

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