Jodhpur Boom: Strange Sounds in the sky in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India – December 17 2012


On December 18, 2012, a sudden, deafening boom startled the people of Jodhpur, India.

The unexplained boom seemed to come out of nowhere, crashing in the sky like a jet going sonic. However, it was more aggressive in nature, sounding a lot like a massive explosion.

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Meherangarh Fort dominating the city of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India

On December 18, 2012, a sudden, deafening boom startled the people of Jodhpur, India.

The unexplained boom seemed to come out of nowhere, crashing in the sky like a jet going sonic. However, it was more aggressive in nature, sounding a lot like a massive explosion.

The citizens were concerned about the mysterious deafening sound and start asking about its source around.  But it soon turned out that no planes had been flying over the area and no explosions had taken place.

The source of the Jodhpur boom was a complete mystery.

The weirdest part is that it appears that the entire month was littered with strange, unexplained booms all over the world, from United Kingdom to Texas. These bangs were witnessed over the course of several weeks and sometimes they were accompanied with strange green light.

In one of the locations, a geologist even stated that the booms and subsequent tremors were unlike anything he had ever encountered and didn’t fit the official explanation that the Air Force were testing a new plane.

Were these strange sounds all over the world connected somehow? Was it some strange new weapon, or an alien attack, or maybe even a mere coincidence? Perhaps one day, we’ll find out

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  1. yes u r right men ,militry refuse any kind of sonic boom
    november 2011 i have seen a bright ball ufo in my hometown
    21 june 2013 anonymous green n blue full of 1km range light centrlized circular shape thing i also seen at night 10:00.two without sound v shape aeroplane flying in sky .i know this all is scary .but i also know in local jodhpur people no single person believe me .they all laughting on me.thank u

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