A train just derailed in Lynchburg (Va) and the river James is on fire – April 30, 2014

This photo was shot by Redditor Supertoff just after a train derailed in downtown Lynchburg, Virginia on April 30, 2014


It’s not the first time we observe burning water due to pollution or oil spill! Remember this in China!

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A train just derailed in Lynchburg (Va) and the river James is on fire – April 30, 2014. Photo: Reddit


According to medias, at least 50,000 gallons of crude oil were released after a train derailed in downtown Lynchburg, Virginia on April 30, 2014.

Some of this crude oil spilled in the James river and took fire. Consequences on the ecosystem are still unknown, but 50,000 gallons of crude oil are a lot and can trigger a lot of damages.

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