Toledo Toxic Drinking Water Crisis Emergency Linked To Massive Algae Bloom In Lake Erie

Toledo toxic drinking water CRISIS emergency: More than 400,000 people in Ohio can’t drink their TAP WATER after sudden bloom of harmful algae in Lake Erie.


Toledo toxic drinking water CRISIS emergency: More than 400,000 people in Ohio can’t drink their TOXIC WATER!

The toxins originate from a sudden bloom of harmful algae in Lake Erie. They were found at the Collins Park water treatment plant.

A state of emergency was declared in the greater Toledo area. You are not even allowed to drink BOILED TAP WATER!

toxic water lake erie view from space, algae bloom toxic water toledo space photo, The algae bloom, viewed from space, responsible for toxic drinking water in Toledo, Ohio on August 2 2014. Photo: NOAA
The algae bloom, viewed from space, responsible for toxic drinking water in Toledo, Ohio on August 2 2014. Photo: NOAA

Toxins in water are not due to fracking activities but to a massive algae bloom in Lake Erie. These harmful algae blooms occur when fertilizers and other chemicals raise the levels of nitrogen and phosphorous in rivers and lakes. Do you remember the algae bloom that recently colored blood-red the water of a river in China?

This means that humans are again behind this health catastrophe!

The first notice was published on the Facebook Toledo’s Page:



Chemists testing water at Toledo’s Collins Park Water Treatment Plant had two sample readings for microcystin in excess of the recommended “DO NOT DRINK” 1 micro-gram per liter standard. This notice applies to ALL customers of Toledo water.

Most importantly, water should not be consumed until an all clear is issued. It is important to state that this drinking water alert does NOT recommend boiling, and in fact, boiling water can worsen the situation. Water should not be given to pets.

Additional information as to where to obtain water will be forthcoming, steps will be taken to provide drinkable water if necessary.

toledo drinking water emergency august 2014, Toledo Toxic Drinking Water Crisis, Toledo Toxic Drinking Water Crisis emergency, drinking water crisis ohio, ohio toledo drinking water emergency, Toledo toxic drinking water CRISIS emergency: More than 400,000 people in Ohio can’t drink their TAP WATER after sudden bloom of harmful algae in Lake Erie., ohio drinking water crisis august 2014, toledo water crisis august 2014, august 2014 toledo water crisis emergency
Toledo toxic drinking water CRISIS emergency: More than 400,000 people in Ohio can’t drink their TAP WATER after sudden bloom of harmful algae in Lake Erie. Photo: John Seewer / AP

What should you do?

DO NOT DRINK THE WATER. Alternative water should be used for drinking, making infant formula, making ice, brushing teeth and preparing food. Pets should not drink the water.

DO NOT BOIL THE WATER. Boiling the water will not destroy the toxins – it will increase the concentration of the toxins.

Consuming water containing algal toxins may result in abnormal liver function, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, numbness or dizziness. Seek medical attention if you feel you have been exposed to algal toxins and are having adverse health effects. Skin contact with contaminated water can cause irritation or rashes. Contact a veterinarian immediately if pets or livestock show signs of illness.

What happened? What is being done?

Lake Erie, which is a source of drinking water for the Toledo water system may have been impacted by a harmful algal bloom (HAB). These organisms are capable of producing a number of toxins that may pose a risk to human and animal health. HABs occur when excess nitrogen and phosphorus are present in lakes and streams. Such nutrients can come from runoff of over-fertilized fields and lawns, from malfunctioning septic systems and from livestock pens.

Additional monitoring is being conducted and we will let you know when the situation has been resolved or if additional precautions should be taken. The water system is running additional tests to verify the severity of the microcystin levels in our water supply.

Please stay tuned to media for more information and share this information with friends, family or neighbors that may not have been informed through this media release. A phone number for the public to call will be included in a future release.

toledo drinking water crisis august 2014, Toledo Toxic Drinking Water Crisis, Toledo Toxic Drinking Water Crisis emergency, drinking water crisis ohio, ohio toledo drinking water emergency, Toledo toxic drinking water CRISIS emergency: More than 400,000 people in Ohio can’t drink their TAP WATER after sudden bloom of harmful algae in Lake Erie, toledo drinking water emergency august 2014, Toledo Toxic Drinking Water Crisis, Toledo Toxic Drinking Water Crisis emergency, drinking water crisis ohio, ohio toledo drinking water emergency, Toledo toxic drinking water CRISIS emergency: More than 400,000 people in Ohio can’t drink their TAP WATER after sudden bloom of harmful algae in Lake Erie., ohio drinking water crisis august 2014, toledo water crisis august 2014, august 2014 toledo water crisis emergency, The water bottle reserves are shrinking in shops around Toledo, Ohio. Photo: Ryan Dunn
The water bottle reserves are shrinking in shops around Toledo, Ohio. Photo: Ryan Dunn

The toledo toxic drinking water crisis emergency is linked to a man-made nature catastrophe (massive algae bloom in Lake Erie) So people of Toledo! Rush to buy bottles of water. It is still unknown when the drinking water crisis will end.

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