For those asking, I do not have a good explanation.
Seems like some kind of pileus cap trying to form, but I have not seen look them like this before…
Yesterday, Joshua Smith posted on the James Spann meteorologist Facebook page, pictures of a very strange-looking cloud formation over a huge cumulonimbus cloud.
The images were shot off of I-59 and the large cloud with its three small dancing twisters atop was coming through Ashville, Alabama.
James Spann stated: “For those asking, I do not have a good explanation. Seems like some kind of pileus cap trying to form, but I have not seen look them like this before.“
Pretty amazing for an all knowing weatherman, isn’t it?
Well, I must say I really don’t know how this weird cloud phenomenon took place. Is it a remnant of storm Isaias?
Or was it related to the M5.1 earthquake that rattled southern U.S. yesterday?
Similar phenomena occurred in the sky over Thailand:
As well as over Canada in more recent years:
Here a few hypotheses on the weird cloud phenomenon:
“I think it may be souls going up to heaven to be with the Lord.“
“The flash of light you saw in the sky was not a UFO. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.“
“pileus contrailius. Literally, a plane flew through the forming pileus cap, forming vortex contrails.“
“it looks like a cloud “sprite”“
“it’s project blue beam“
“we all need to accept that it is the aliens prepping for landing“
“Looks like a choir of angels!!!“
Well what about 3 little aliens dancing and twisting atop a giant cumulonimbus cloud? More strange news and weird cloud formations on Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle. [Facebook]
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Saw a cloud tornado in St. Paul one time. The picture in Canada was how it looked.
The triple is a spectacular picture. Never seen that before. Amazing!
It´s a Virga, nothing supernatural, just a Vigra, pareidolia does the rest. Fantastic picture though.
More pictures of virga.
That part of the south is a first implementer of 5G. They are turning more towers on constantly. It’s absolutely a known fact that EMF radiation affects the water vapor in the air. And most scoff that EMF also affects humans – going on now for 150 years. COVID is just the latest new disease from ever increasing EMF radiation.
It’s Ashville, Alabama instead of Asheville.
Thank you