This video is an in depth review of all the media reports covering booms and shakings that have been increasing December and January 2013.
Did they tell us the truth? Well, look at this interesting video and decide by yourself.

The video was submitted by a facebook follower! Thank You for your help!
In the video, the recorder starts off by showing an article directly from USGS, writing about “Booms”, or better said “Earthquake booms” that they even scientists cannot clearly explain (dynamics behind them at least).
The booms heard and recorded on the Eastern half of America are most probably geological and not tannerite or other strange official explanations.
The video is based on the following loud booms reported in the US and probably others (I gave the links which bring you then to the official news):
South Carolina
Birds falling Tennessee
Booms Tennessee (Morristown, Greene county)
Rhode Island
New York and Ohio
Kentucky (Mortons Gap, Madisonville)
Navarro County
Seismic testing
Texoma (Texas, Oklahoma)
New Madrid overdue and riverfronttimes
So, do they tell us the truth about the mystery booms heard in the USA?
If you want to listen to more weird noises go through our strange sounds map!
[…] Watch a mystery boom COVER UP! […]
[…] this small quake related to earlier booms report on Strange Sounds about booms & quakes making diagonal line from Texas to N.E. […]
. . . AND this may be tied into this continent instability idea –
Massive Explosive Potential in Louisiana and Gulf of Mexico. Doomsday?
In that quake line thru Ohio … isn’t that nuke plant there? The one damaged by Sandy storm flooding?
[…] Then Strange Sounds posted this great video report. […]
[…] UPDATE: Were we right to say “huh?” about above. Tannerite is a made up story! […]
Yes of course!!!
This blog is great! It’s the only way to ‘warehouse’ all these boom stories!
[…] Booms COVER UP! Due to New Madrid WAKING UP! […]